Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bill Schedules and Payment Plans

Having OCD tendencies I have issues when it comes to bills and list. While talking to my good friend Trish I found out that not all people have the same ideas about bill paying and list as I do. Who would have thought! LOL

Instead of just knowing that this check pays this bill and this check pays that bill I have a very detailed list that goes along with mine as well as a notebook that helps keep me inline. My bill folder and bank statement folder are my 2 that are updated monthly, if not more often. I know that a lot of people have their banking online, I do as well. However, I still like to have it in black and white and don’t trust just leaving them in a folder on the computer, hackers and all. So each month I print out my statement and put it into a folder so that I have copies of my checks as well as any information that I need in the blink of an eye. That one is pretty simple. Each year I take the previous year out and file it in the filing cabinet with the corresponding year and simple title: Bank Statements. That just eases my mind and I have hard copies to go back to whenever I need them quickly.

My second folder is a bit more complicated and in depth but I couldn’t do without it. Recently we have had a huge surge in our electric bills. I am aware that it was winter and that the heat was on. However, we use the air, a lot!! We have also been through 2 winters in this home and know that last year was no where close to this. Even though we did have a rate increase I go by KW used instead of money, which will throw your electric company for a loop when you call and complain and you have the KW instead of the money amounts on hand to rattle off and have compared them to previous years. This to me was normal.

As soon as I get the file completed, so that it is not catered to my family only, I will put it on here so that others can hopefully use it. My own personal household/family notebook is in the works and I will put in on here along with pictures as soon as that is finished. We would love to hear your ideas and see your pictures as well. Please feel free to comment and send your pictures in.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless you and yours.


E Craft Classes said...

Wow, Vicki, that will be awesome to see. I have nothing like that to share. I pay it, file it, then shred it after a few months. Probably not good, huh?